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Unification of Quantum Mechanics and Relativity
The models of quantum mechanics (Copenhagen Interpretation) and relativity (spacetime) explain the universe in an abstract manner, but the subject of unification requires a more advanced model that is truly reflective of the physical universe.
My hypothesis explores the possibility of unifying quantum mechanics and relativity under a non-temporal, three-dimensional, and fully classical theory.
The theory is based on the interaction of kinetic energy with the environment and the existence of a new field that shapes space to generate quantum-relativistic effects. The model is based on the ether that provides a counter-action to the constituent of kinetic energy in order to generate motion.
Kinetic Energy And Light Speed
Consider the following hypothetical situation. Suppose that the kinetic energy (KE) from two electrons traveling at 10 m/s and 1 m/s respectively were extracted and deposited in a perfect vacuum. What velocity would the two blobs of KE travel within the vacuum?
Although the 10 m/s blob would have greater energy than the other, both would travel at the same velocity (light speed) since neither would have to lug around an electron's mass any longer.
Since the two blobs would travel at the same velocity regardless of their energy levels, one of the fundamental properties of KE is that the constituent of KE naturally travels at light speed.
Perhaps, an analogous account of this would be that the constituent of KE acts similar to the oars on a Viking longship, with the exception that the oars perform a perpetual rowing motion at light speed. However, if KE's rowing cycle remains constant at light speed, how can a body experience motion slower than the velocity of light?
Motion slower than light may be attained for particles with rest mass due to the interaction of KE’s constituent with the internal binding of the host particle. In other words, the host particle's binding force physically inhibits KE's cyclic displacement (rowing action) from reaching its full potential, which reduces the particle's overall motion to be less than light speed.
Greater KE density in proportion to the internal binding of the host particle results in a higher velocity for the particle. However, regardless of the amount of additional energy that may be acquired, the particle will never achieve light speed since some amount of internal binding will always be present which will physically prevent the body from ever reaching the maximum velocity of light.
Another factor that prevents a rest-mass particle from ever reaching light speed is the physical dissolution of the host particle when KE is dense enough to exceed the particle's internal binding limit. When enough energy is absorbed by the particle to exceed this limit, the result would be the homogeneous integration of KE and the host particle, which is similar to the state of energy during the early universe (e.g., before particles could form, the combined energy existed in a "liquified matter" state).
Whatever the internal processes that may be involved within a particle to articulate its motion, the fundamental principle of KE is that the constituent of KE always travels at the speed of light.
Faster-Than-Light Motion
An important significance of KE’s self-propulsion with the ether providing counteraction is that this relationship offers a pragmatic solution for deriving faster-than-light travel associated with the tunneling phenomenon.
For example, consider if space were stretched over an area, motion over the stretched region of space
would be greater than normal due to KE's interaction with the distorted environment. As an analogy, if an elastic ladder was stretched where the rungs represented the environment’s counteraction to KE’s oars, a greater than normal distance would be traveled for the same uniform rowing cycle performed by KE than under an undistorted ladder.
In similar manner, a particle may exceed the velocity of light in a stretched environment and accomplish faster-than-light movement without ever compromising the uniformity of KE's cyclic displacement at light speed.
New Unification Theory
My proposal for a quantum-relativistic unification theory is based on the interaction of kinetic energy with
the ether, and the introduction of a new field that shapes space in a manner that affects the location of particles within a given system.
The main mechanism of this theory is the concept of “kinetic energy-based tunneling” (or sliding) as
the basis of providing a naturally symmetrical means of deriving the phenomena associated with quantum mechanics and relativity. The theory consists of four distinct modes of sliding: forward-, cross-, reverse-, and micro-sliding.
1st Mode: Forward-Sliding (Barrier Penetration)
The first mode of kinetic energy-based tunneling, or forward-sliding, is similar to the barrier penetration phenomenon of where a body is propelled forward by the environment. Particles that slide forward in this manner don't actually go through opposing objects but rather travel around them in faster-than-light fashion. Since the path traveled is somewhat circular, the field that affects the environment in this manner is called
the bubble field.
The bubble field causes the ether to be contoured such that a particle may be induced to tunnel (or slide) between the pathways of a given system. Perhaps, the simplest manner of understanding the interaction of particles within the bubble environment would be to examine the possibility of resolving the wave-particle duality effect.
2nd Mode: Cross-Sliding (Wave-Particle Duality)
The second mode of kinetic energy-based tunneling, or cross-sliding, derives the wave-particle duality
effect within a system which is the ability of a particle to behave like a wave.
An example of duality may be shown with the double-slit experiment. As a photon approaches the
double-slit panel, it cross-slides due to the emission of the bubble fields by the system's components. The bubble field contours the ether in a specific geometric pattern that induces particles to cross-slide among the pathways.
As the photon cross-slides, it simulates a wave-like effect since the result is that of a particle residing at more than one location at a time. This is how a particle retains its particle form while simultaneously acting like a wave. Since KE is interacting upon the ether, particles do not absorb or experience a change in energy while actively sliding within a given system. This is why there is not a change in energy when a particle is converted into a wave, and vice versa.
The bubble fields emitted by the system's components interact with each other such that they produce an underlying interference pattern within the ether. Constructive interference between bubbles induces sliding with respect to the entity's trajectory within the system. Destructive interference inhibits sliding which results in a “collapse of the wave function” since an entity no longer slides and, as a result, loses its wave-like nature.
Delayed-choice situations also become easier to understand with this model since the actual timing of collapse is autonomous within the bubble environment.
For example, consider the delayed-choice effect that pertains to a typical beam splitter experiment. Since a photon cross-slides among the pathways, it is not critically important when an object is actually placed into the system in order to trigger the collapse. As the bubble patterns of the interposing object propagate throughout the system, the avenues of sliding will automatically readjust themselves according to the overall geometry of the system's bubble environment.
This occurs regardless of the photon's relative position to the beam splitter and may manifest at any moment, and at any time, as the system dynamically recovers between states. The specific moment of when the delayed choice effect actually becomes apparent is inconsequential since the photon’s location will adjust accordingly to the aggregate bubble pattern that applies to the system at that particular moment. In my model, collapse is not a crude but rather an elegant process as the system dynamically recovers between states.
Measurement And Non-Locality
Non-locality within the bubble environment is achieved through the relative emissions of the system's components and their bubble fields, such that the conveyance of information between the components is well-known throughout the entire system. There is no need for a mysterious “pilot wave” or such in order to identify certain events since the propagation of the bubble fields automatically reflects any changes that are made to the system.
It is important to note, however, that the concept of measurement is irrelevant since the collapse of a system due to destructive interference bubble patterns may occur prior to the actual act of measurement itself.
For example, the insertion or removal of a component prior to the emitter being activated in an experiment may cause the collapse of the system’s wave function, even before any particles are actually admitted into the system. In such cases, the act of measurement results in being of little or no consequence, and has no actual effect, upon the bubble environment.
Probability And Wavelength
Probability is reflected by the overall bubble interference pattern with respect to the entity's trajectory within
a system. An important factor that affects the final determination of an entity's location is the particle's wavelength within the bubble environment.
Wavelength is represented by a singular and independent cross-sliding effect derived through an additional bubble emission by the particle. Descriptively, the wavelength bubble is the equivalent of placing a mini-sphere (radius of wavelength) in line with the particle's motion. Whenever the particle moves forward, an additional movement via sliding is achieved in a seemingly random direction within this sphere (i.e. particle fuzziness within a wavelength distance away).
This occurs independently of a system but it is also subject to collapse with respect to the overall system's bubble interference pattern. In the double-slit experiment, the apparent random shuffling of which band out of light and dark interference fringes that a particle selects upon any given trial is due to the interaction of the particle's wavelength bubble with the rest of the system.
The amplitude-squared relationship regarding probability (intensity) is a compound effect of the independent wavelength bubble integrating with the system's bubble formation. This produces a "super-sliding" effect due to the resultant aggregate bubble pattern (of having stacked sliding zones due to bubble layering). In other words, super-sliding generates an exponential-like effect in a system that produces a result that is greater than the amount of energy that went into the system (with energy being conserved).
Overall, the singular and independent cross-sliding effect of the wavelength bubble (which derives the effects of a particle’s random placement within a wavelength distance), super-sliding exponential effect, and other such phenomena presents a rather volatile aspect to the otherwise mundane nature of the classical bubble environment.
3rd Mode: Reverse-Sliding (Time Dilation)
Although the bubble environment offers a pragmatic solution for the mysteries behind quantum mechanics, the theory also provides the foundation for incorporating relativistic effects on a natural and symmetrical level. However, two additional modes of sliding are needed in order to advance the bubble environment into
becoming a comprehensive and unified model with integrated relativistic effects.
The third mode of kinetic energy-based tunneling, or reverse-sliding, establishes a non-temporal delay that is relative to other entities in the bubble environment. In other words, since faster-than-light motion is possible via sliding, a corresponding reversed or slower-than-normal motion may also be induced by the environment.
To reuse the previous analogy of an elastic ladder: if the ladder was condensed rather than stretched, the closer-spaced rungs would slow movement for bodies even though the cyclic motion of kinetic energy remained uniform throughout the entire process. The result of reverse-sliding, or slothing, by the bubble environment establishes a non-temporal delay for entities while being relative to other bodies due to their respective emissions of the bubble field (in three dimensions).
4th Mode: Micro-Sliding (Frame Adjustment)
The fourth mode of kinetic energy-based tunneling, or micro-sliding, derives the adjustments and transformations between individual reference frames that are associated with relative motion. In its simplest form, the micro-sliding effect establishes minor, faster-than-light sliding jumps between entities (or reference frames) resulting from the underlying interactions of the bubble environment.
For example, if two bodies were on a collision course and a third body advanced in between them, the
micro-sliding effect would readjust motion in either a forward or rearward direction with respect to the approaching third body as a relativistic frame adjustment. The final placement of the three bodies with respect to each other at any given moment is determined by the aggregate bubble interference pattern within the environment.
Non-local transformations between relativistic frames are fully integrated within the quantum-based nature
of the classical bubble environment thereby, unifying relativity with quantum mechanics on a natural, symmetrical, and three-dimensional level.
It is important to note, however, that the micro-sliding effect for relativistic frame adjustment is fully dependent upon, and is a characteristic of, the constancy of kinetic energy's self-propulsion at light speed. This is why the speed of light is a uniform constant in the universe, and why it is associated with the concept of relativity.
Although the micro-sliding effect for frame adjustment sustains the uniformity of light speed among bodies within the bubble environment, it is ironic that the means for achieving such is conducted through the act of sliding which, in itself, is a faster-than-light phenomenon.
The Quantum-Relativistic Ether
The quantum-relativistic ether that establishes the foundation for the classical resolution of the sliding phenomenon consists of three levels of counter-resistance to kinetic energy: normal, stretched, and condensed.
Normal resistance to the constituent of kinetic energy represents unadulterated motion (i.e., wave function collapsed mode). Stretched resistance reflects faster-than-light motion (i.e., forward-, cross-, and micro-sliding modes). Condensed resistance reflects the slower-than-normal, slothing effect (i.e., reverse-sliding).
The exterior of the multilayered quantum-relativistic ether behaves as if it were stretched by the bubble field for generating faster-than-light travel, while another layer (or interior) reflects the corresponding condensed resistance of slothing effects. The importance of this symmetry is that the ether becomes capable of generating the combined effects of quantum probabilities and relativistic frame adjustments simultaneously,
through the same means.
Probability vs. Relativistic Scale
The quantum-relativistic ether establishes the basis for generating quantum and relativistic effects by distinguishing two distinct but simultaneous levels of sliding that interact with the underlying physical environment.
The first interaction level, or tier of sliding, that produces the probabilistic effect of quantum systems is reflected through the bubble interference patterns that manifest upon the ether. In this respect, the bubble field acts as if it resides as a layer between kinetic energy and the ether.
The resultant constructive/destructive bubble interference patterns that shift within this layer dictate which form of environmental counter-resistance will be presented to the constituent of kinetic energy. This determines whether the entity will travel in sliding mode (stretched counter-resistance due to constructive patterns), or collapsed mode (normal counter-resistance due to destructive patterns).
The second interaction level, or tier of sliding, that produces relativistic effects is reflected through kinetic energy's direct and physical relationship with the elasticity of space. In this respect, the greater degree that kinetic energy “tears” into space (kinetic energy's density vs. ether's elasticity), the greater accessibility is attained of the ether's condensed counter-resistance, which produces the slothing effect of reverse-sliding. This is why the relativistic scale is physically reflective of an entity's velocity with respect to the elasticity of the ether.
The two tiers of sliding are distinct yet simultaneous with respect to kinetic energy's relationship with the environment, and relative due to the contours exhibited by the respective bubble fields. This is how the governing means of relativity (velocity with respect to the elasticity of space) may physically co-reside,
and be distinguished by, the governing means of quantum mechanics (probability derived by bubble interference) within a comprehensive unified model.
By exploring the possibility of the constituent of kinetic energy interacting with the multilayered ether, a comprehensive model may be established that successfully unifies quantum mechanics with relativity in
a naturally symmetrical, non-temporal, three-dimensional, and fully classical theory. For additional information on this new theory, refer to the Physics Q&A page.
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