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Physics Q&A

How does gravity fit in bubble theory’s quantum-relativistic framework?
Gravity is simply a force of attraction, nothing more and nothing less. That's the beauty of it. In this model, the role of the forces is simply to convey their energies, which are then subsequently converted into kinetic energy when absorbed by the particle.
The common bond that the forces share is that kinetic energy is their final result upon a body, so all forces are able to generate relativistic effects equally in this respect. There is nothing special about gravity other than it was originally dragged into the picture due to the poor analysis of the subject.
How does the neutrino act within the bubble environment?
Weakly interacting particles emit a stronger bubble field which, in turn, induces a greater probability of sliding by the particle. The act of sliding is the very reason why these particles are so elusive in nature.
Since this model combines quantum mechanics with relativity, what does it accommodate that conventional theory does not?
My bubble environment is the only model capable of explaining the various hidden variables associated with the fundamentals of quantum mechanics and relativity.

For example, the spacetime model fails to explain how mass is even capable of affecting the elements of space and time on a fundamental level. After all, one cannot directly observe through a microscope the element of mass affecting the constituents of space and time.

Since spacetime has yet to be proven in this manner, there is no direct experimental evidence that the spacetime model is valid. Keep in mind that the concept of relativity is not being questioned here, but rather that the spacetime model is unverified towards providing a realistic means of describing such effects. We should continue researching alternative theories until one is actually proven experimentally.

My hypothesis derives relativistic effects in three dimensions. That alone is worth consideration.

My model resolves the various hidd
en variables associated with relativity on a realistic and logical basis through the constituent of kinetic energy interacting with the ether. An important difference that my model provides is that every entity is responsible for its own reference frame adjustment. Not the void of space, that somehow magically moves itself and heavenly bodies around, but rather that reference frame adjustments are derived by kinetic energy directly interacting with the interference patterns that develop within the ether's bubble environment layer.

Some may say that unifying relativity with quantum mechanics has already been done, but Dirac only provided the mathematics for su
ch. What is lacking is an actual physical model of the universe that generates these effects simultaneously, and to do so by the same means without conflict. My model accomplishes this with the concept of kinetic-energy-based tunneling as the basis of where entities are (re)positioned in a system through multiple sliding effects. It is a physical model where the same means generates both relativistic and quantum effects simultaneously. The first model to do so.
Any additional peculiarities associated with the internals of kinetic energy?
Consider the following: how are force carriers converted into kinetic energy upon absorption by a particle?

What c
hanges have to occur for a force carrier (energy that travels through space on its own) to become kinetic energy (energy that stays resident upon a particle)? Is the conversion complex or simplistic? If not overtly complex, does that imply that force carriers are a form of kinetic energy itself? Similar to the argument that any particle that travels at the speed of light may actually be a form of kinetic energy with some differences among its characteristics.

Once absorbed, how does the field energy propagate upon the particle? Since matter is contiguous at that magnification level, is it possible that the energy propagates via a shearing effect (e.g., absorbed section of the particle tries to move forward affecting neighboring areas thereby, propagating its energy)? If enough absorbed energy saturates the entire particle in this manner then inertia is overcome and the newly absorbed energy may combine with the resident kinetic energy. If this is the case, then what prevents the absorbed energy from interacting with the resident kinetic energy before inertia is fully resolved? How is that prevented?

Another concern regarding field energy absorption is what happens if not enough energy exists to overcome a particle's inertia. If inertia is not overcome then is the absorbed energy destroyed by retro-shearing in the reverse direction? If that is the case, then why doesn't normal shearing destroy energy during forward propagation as well? If the absorbed energy is not destroyed then is it retro-sheared back to its point of absorption? What occurs then? Is that energy ignobly dumped into space as if the universe is a gigantic garbage dump of semi-processed and regurgitated energy? If so, then what if another particle happens to travel across it? Would it be accidentally picked up while absorbing other force carriers at that location?

Whatever processes are involved with converting field energy into kinetic energy, the absorption process would have to be fairly quick in order to process the vast multitude of force carriers that exist in any given area. Also, each field carrier would have to be processed separately without interfering with each other and uniquely processed, one after another, at incredible speed.

When considering the enormous number of fields that exist at any given location in space, some would say it is nearly impossible for an error not to occur during this incredible amount of processing at any given moment. Especially, when considering the unknown number of distant fields that are not strong enough to overcome a particle's inertia which are processed, but not observed by motion.

Not to mention other possible errors such as velocity (higher velocities result in less time to process all of the fields at a particular location), or alignment of kinetic energy's vector compared to the absorbed energy's vector (similar alignment may result in faster processing allowing additional fields to be processed), or saturation of the particle due to its kinetic energy's density making it easier/more difficult for future absorption, or weaker fields piggybacking off of stronger fields when two or more fields are absorbed simultaneously, etc. Perhaps, a margin of error should be evaluated when considering such things on the cosmic scale.

After considering all of the potential error(s) that may be involved, there may be an issue with processing the collected field energy with the local group of fields having priority compared to more distant fields. Or, that the distant fields are only semi-processed, or perhaps not processed at all, due to time constraints.

The multitude of variations that are possible with all of these factors ma
y result in floating "phantom zones" occurring in space of where entities are affected by something that doesn't actually exist but appears to do so, due to the various errors associated with the absorption of field energy. In that, entities may be affected in a greater or lesser manner than what they normally would for that location in space.

Could this be the reason for the shift towards the Great Attractor? Or dark matter? Or different ages of
 the universe?
How does the classical nature of bubble theory reflect the structure of the atom?
In my quantum-relativistic ether model, the formation of the atomic shells, or energy levels, is due to a peculiar bubble formation caused by the proton's/antiproton's three-quark combination.

The quarks are aligned such that their aggregate bubble formation propagates outward in a spiral-like fashion that alternates between the two different zones of sliding (forward-/cross-sliding zones). Electrons forward-slide to a higher/lower shell when bubble interference patterns dictate such (due to the change in the energized particle's bubble field), and cross-slide within the respective shell layer generating the appropriate wave effect (electron cloud phenomenon).

The photon emission, however, is due to another effect than bubble sliding zones and is described below when discussing dark matter.
How does this classical model take into account the Heisenberg uncertainty principle?
A particle's wavelength bubble establishes a "random" condition in a system since a particle's position changes within it whenever a particle moves forward. This causes the particle's location to be uncertain within a given system. However, uncertainty in the sense of being an undefined physical state is not relevant, and such may be shown to be nonsensical simply by considering the following philosophical argument.

At the time of a particle's fabrication, the parent particle would know the properties of the newly created child particle since the parent is directly responsible for establishing the child its characteristics. It would be invalid to assume that the child originally existed in an undefined state since the parent had already performed an observation of the child's properties by bestowing such to it (measurement was performed). Since the properties of the child are known and measured at the moment of creation, it cannot natively exist in an undefined or uncertain state.

The only uncertainty that applies to a given situation would be the human observer's lack of knowledge. Not that uncertainty intrinsically exists at the particle level, nor would a human's observation be able to physically alter that state in the universe.

Keep in mind that this "parent argument" is not intended to prove that the universe is deterministic in nature since my quantum-relativistic ether model accomplishes that objective. Instead, the intent of this parent argument is to present a viable contradiction to the uncertainty principle at its most fundamental level, that of the origin of the undefined state.
How does bubble theory relate to the expansion of the universe?
Any model that accounts for the expansion of the universe needs to provide the means for solving the following criteria: Hubble's constant, role of gravity, and accelerated expansion.

Surprisingly, the expansion of the universe within the bubble environment may be understood when considering the geological concept of plate tectonics. If the upper layer of the quantum-relativistic ether was structured similarly to the tectonic plates upon a planet's surface, such may be resolved as follows:
     1) Hubble’s constant is reflected by the growth rate of the newly created space between the plates

     2) Gravity, by acting indirectly through matter residing on top of the ether, pulls the plates together and if               strong enough, prevents the emergence of new space in between them

     3) Accelerated expansion is not only due to gravity becoming weaker the further bodies are separated, but            also that the environmental repulsion between plates increases due to the greater number of newly                  created plates in between them

During the Big Bang, the universe was so hot that particles couldn't form due to kinetic energy's density being great enough that it exceeded a particle's internal binding limit (particles and kinetic energy existed in a merged liquefied matter state). Since the expansion of space was unimpeded due to the lack of gravity being felt by the liquefied matter, it expanded rapidly as an inflationary period that physically diluted the substance such that the density of kinetic energy was reduced enough to allow particles to form.

The early inflationary period was also affected by the force carriers being weakly interactive. At the time of expansion, all matter in the universe existed in a peculiar condensate state that was a massive aggregate constructive bubble zone that induced sliding. This caused the force carriers to have a greater probability for sliding which made them all weakly interactive (similar to the neutrino mentioned earlier).

For the most part, this resulted in the lack of a force being felt by matter that permitted the rapid and unimpeded separation of the tectonic plates during inflation. However, an irregular separation of the plates occurred during the inflationary period since some force was felt at times due to the weakly interactive force carriers (irregular probabilities due to conflicting bubble patterns). This had the effect of some gravity being felt at times by matter that affected the overall irregular distribution of the plates themselves.

Both of these effects combined, of all forces being weakly interactive due to enhanced sliding from the condensate formation, and the irregular distribution of the underlying plate formations, resulted in the asymmetrical conglomeration of the galaxies found in today's universe.
How does this new theory consider dark matter?

Dark matter may not be a separate entity as is commonly thought, but rather as an extension of ordinary matter at lower ether layers. What we know of an electron is actually only the topmost representation of a continuous blob that extends into the lower ether layers as a single object. This "blob particle" that exists across multiple ether layers is dark matter.

The extension of a blob particle/tendril may not experience elastic collisions with each other because they exist at a lower ether layer (similar to how force carriers don't collide with each other), but may clump together which may contain galaxies. What we observe as the "gravitational pull" by dark matter is actually due to the blob's lower extension having an effect on the upper reaches of itself as ordinary matter. Of ordinary matter appearing to be pushed/pulled rather than the actual absorption of kinetic energy from a field, which results in motion for an entity being achieved without a change in its kinetic energy.

What we observe as quantum fluctuations are actually caused by undulations at lower ether layers that cause blob tendrils to extend upward into the topmost layer (i.e., matter suddenly appears out of "thin air"). When particles annihilate each other due to matter/antimatter interactions, they free their lower extensions of themselves which contribute to the overall collection of dark matter in the region that exists without an upper layer representation.

Quantum entanglement is caused by the overall distribution of the blob world interacting with itself between the two entities, as both ordinary matter upon the upper ether layer and collectively as a whole at the lower ether layers, of being connected together.

The blob world is also the reason for the Great Attractor shift. However, for the Dipole Repeller region, the eventual elimination of blob material in the area will result in ordinary matter not existing in the upper ether layer, which will result in the lack of gravity being felt in the region. This should cause a localized inflationary event in the future. So, further evaluation of the universe's expansion should consider the possibility of "pocket inflation" events throughout the cosmos. After all, the blob's quantum fabrications, including those without an upper layer representation, are what is holding space together for us.

The blob world also provides a clearer explanation of how atoms are formed. The blob extensions of protons and electrons link up in the lower ether layer, which ensures a one-to-one connection (as if the nucleus was a sprawling sea urchin catching electron blob tendrils). Under certain conditions, the collision when tendrils meet, and its resultant reverberation upon the collective blob, results in a photon blob transmission. The outermost valence shell/blob is not as compressed or well-formed as the others, which provides some degree of flexibility for electrons. The boundaries of the atomic shells are derived by the bubble-sliding zones as described earlier. Essentially, all the work of forming the atom is done in the lower ether layers of the blob world.

The blob world may also provide insight into particle decay. A free neutron by itself takes about fourteen minutes before it breaks apart, but how is this done? While the upper ether representation of a neutron is binding, the lower blob world may have the opposite effect similar to a bar magnet's poles being opposite in nature. As the lower blob tendrils pull themselves together again, they pry apart their upper representation, which causes the neutron to decay. Pairing a proton with the neutron fuses the tendrils together (as a carbon control rod in-between), which prevents the full extension of the neutron's tendrils from reaching each other. The proton's "control rod" effect provides the difference of a neutron decaying in a few minutes into being stable for the life of the universe. My multilayered ether model is the only one that provides an explanation for this difference.

The variance of other particle decay rates is due to their blob extensions interacting with the aggregate conglomerate blob (planet or otherwise). However, the very brief decay rates may actually be caused by a "nucleon bag" that encompasses protons and extends to other nuclei (or fails to do so for the quick decay). The nucleon bag exerts greater force when stretched at a distance, so the strong force is not a field, but an ether construct like atomic shells or the fusion bubble formation discussed below.

In the past, dark matter was previously thought of as only something that caused gravity. What a mistake and misunderstanding that was, it is so much more in my multilayered ether model of the universe.
What is the future of the quantum-relativistic ether model as a true Theory of Everything?

A true Theory of Everything has to provide an explanation of how motion occurs in the universe. At the kinetic energy level of magnification, true motion (that of physically moving from one location to another), would not actually occur since the constituent of kinetic energy would require kinetic energy in, of itself, to articulate its own motion.

To avoid this paradox, a new concept called "stationary-motion" (that of achieving motion without actually physically moving) would have to be derived by the Theory of Everything model.

For an analogy of stationary-motion, consider a pasture of tall grass in which a gust of wind caused patterns to develop upon the grassy field surface. The various floating images that form on the grassy surface may appear to move about and interact with each other, but they do so without the grass stalks physically moving from their rooted locations. Or, another analogy would be to view the entire universe as a cathode ray monitor where the pixels remain fixed in place and images appearing on the screen are artificially induced, but the pixels themselves never physically move from their fixed locations.

In my version of a true Theory of Everything, the universe exists as a three-dimensional, multilayered ether continuum that interacts with itself on a multilevel basis. The patterns that emerge on the topmost layer are achieved through interactions that manifest as ripples or vibrations throughout the ether continuum. The resultant patterns that "appear" on the topmost ether layer are what we know as particles, kinetic energy, and space (all of which consist of ether constituents), however, the ether itself doesn't actually physically move or alter in size.

What we know of as "motion" by particles is artificially simulated by the resultant ether layers, which derives the effect of stationary-motion. An unusual view but this may be the only way to resolve the paradox regarding how the constituent of kinetic energy may move without requiring kinetic energy in, of itself, to articulate its own motion.

Which means that the universe is something like a gigantic slab of gelatin that remains fixed in place, doesn't alter in size, and has multiple layers that vibrate and interact with each other. Similar to how a complex picture may be formed by a computer graphics program when it combines multiple frames together (color, object, background, etc.). Motion is achieved by a "heartbeat pulse" that updates the image across multiple ether layers over time.

When one considers that the universe is a static and multilayered ether continuum (accelerated expansion is an upper ether layer effect only), such may solve certain other phenomena as how forces retain their integrity through space, the mystery behind dark matter (as described above), why supernovas explode, how nuclear fusion works (with iron being the distinguishing turning point), and other unexplained events.

Regarding how forces retain their uniformity through space may be easier understood with a multilayered ether model. The issue is why interposing objects don't interfere with the integrity and uniformity of the force's distribution (as an inverse square dispersion). Similar to how red shifting reduces the energy level of light due to its wave being stretched over an increased area, all diffraction effects result in a reduction of energy (though shorter than interstellar distances may make the red shift unnoticeable, a reduction occurs for all diffracted fields). The problem is why the gravitational force doesn't experience a similar reduction if diffracted or by the expansion of space.

Solving this is simple if the universe is considered to be a multilayered ether continuum. In my model, force carriers physically exist at a lower ether layer than ordinary matter and are never actually absorbed. They only convey energy from a lower layer to a higher one as if they were ring-shaped entities. Since force carriers exist on a different layer, they may freely propagate through space without being interfered by interposing objects on an upper layer, which ensures the integrity of the field. So, no red or blue shifting occurs for the forces from diffraction or by the expansion of space (which is a top ether layer effect only). In present-day experiments, what is thought of as force carriers is actually the unabsorbed energy from the lower layer since the liquified matter formation in the collider doesn't interact with the forces, and the leftover result is subsequently captured by the detector.

How nuclear fusion works and why supernovas explode may be easier understood with my multilayered ether model as well. The release of energy from nuclear fusion is due to an integrated ether formation around the elements (particle+ether). Similar to a ship's bow wave in water, the ether has a certain degree of buoyancy that forms a bubble-like formation around/integrated with the element. Iron being too heavy to "float" is the distinguishing turning point of where the fusion bubble fails to materialize, and has no effect. A disturbance or destruction of this ether bow wave, or fusion bubble, around particles produces the energy release of nuclear fusion.

On a cosmic scale, the ether's fusion bubble is what causes supernova explosions. Within a star, fusion bubbles are normally spread out due to the large distances from each other. However, the sudden and rapid collapse of a dying star causes a tsunami-like accumulation of fusion bubbles, which is then "stepped on" by the iron core. This is how supernovas explode. Not from neutrinos which are an aftereffect of the blob world's extension into the upper ether layer. It is important to note that a portion of this enormous release of ether energy is directed inward that collapses the iron core into a black hole. The reason why some iron cores don't become black holes is due to the numerous variations associated with the lower-layered blob world.

In summary, a true Theory of Everything needs to consider not only how to unify relativity and quantum mechanics in a physical model, but also the above as well. Of great importance is the need to incorporate the constituent of kinetic energy into the model.
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