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Gun Control


   Proponents of gun control want to prevent the proliferation of firearms, while supporters of the Second Amendment (right to bear arms) want the freedom to defend themselves. Both sides have valid points, so let's analyze the subject in a straightforward and logical manner.

   Defending oneself with firearms should entail three basic criteria: a firearm's stopping power, the ability to defend oneself from a number of adversaries, and be adequate enough within the distance of a typical confrontation.

   How effective should a firearm's stopping power be in order to protect oneself from harm? Typically, a .38 caliber is adequate enough to put down an assailant in nearly every situation involving criminal conduct. Using a higher caliber weapon may be overkill since it poses a dangerous risk to the surrounding area (e.g., high-powered ammunition may penetrate residential walls putting others at risk). Since higher calibers are not necessary for the purposes of self-defense, anything greater than a .38 should be illegal unless there is a specific requirement for such need (e.g., a park ranger requiring a .50 against bear attacks).

   The second criteria for self-defense is to consider the number of adversaries that may be needed to protect against from harm. On average, crimes are typically committed with less than six adversaries in the confrontation. Because of this, it is not necessary for firearms to provide an excessive number of rounds (e.g., extended clips) since such additional firepower isn't necessary to defend oneself. Proficiency in the use of the firearm is a greater factor in resolving the encounter than the number of rounds available.

   To ensure compliancy, only revolver-style weapons will be permitted to the public rather than semi-automatics that use magazines and are clip-loaded (which may be modified). Only law enforcement personnel will be allowed to carry other types of firearms than a six-round revolver if necessary.

   The third criteria that should be considered for self-defense is the distance that is necessary to protect oneself from harm. On average, criminal confrontations typically occur within ten meters (30 feet). Since this is within the range of a pistol, long firearms like military assault rifles should be banned for public use since they are not necessary to defend oneself at that limited distance.

   Some would say that adapting the above would result in a very strict gun control policy, but based upon the above considerations, a person only really needs a six-round .38 caliber revolver for self-defense. Anything else would be overkill, and places others at unnecessary risk. Again, training and proficiency in the use of the firearm is a greater factor in protecting oneself from harm than the actual firearm itself.

   For hunting purposes, the use of high-powered rifles should be evaluated to prevent their possible use in criminal activities (as with mass shootings). Since hunting typically requires only a single round to bring down game (two for birds), all hunting rifles should be required to be of the breech-loaded, single-shot variety (double-barrel shotguns for birds). Bolt-action, pump-action, and semi-automatic versions of firearms should be illegal since they are overkill and pose a possible risk to the public.

   Hopefully, after considering the above logical analysis, advocates for gun control will be satisfied since the type of firearm would be restricted to the general public while gun enthusiasts would be satisfied in that they will be able to purchase a firearm that is capable of adequately defending themselves (or hunt game).
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