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Creationism vs. Darwinism


   The Creationism and Darwinism debate has both doctrines being diametrically opposed to each other, but how may one determine which argument reflects the true origin of the human race?

   Perhaps, the best manner of advancing the situation is to consider that both the scientific and religious views are essentially correct and should be combined in a unified approach. The missing link, if you pardon the pun, is that the two ideologies may be successfully combined when one considers the true distinction between mankind and animals: the evolutionary development of the human intellect.
Intellectual Self-Awareness

   If the human race had genuinely evolved from the line of anthropoids then at some point, the development
of the human intellect would have distinguished the self-aware ape from the other life forms. When this moment of self-awareness occurred, the first ape-turned-human would have realized that all other life forms were below him or her and more animal-like in nature.

   At that point, mankind had "suddenly appeared" among God's creatures (Creationism), while also being physically evolved (Darwinism). In this manner, both ideologies may be successfully combined without contradiction while considering the evolutionary development of the human intellect.
Was God Necessary?
   If the human race had evolved in this manner then did God have a role in creating mankind? The following passage indicates such:
                             So God created man in his own image, in the image of
                             God he created him; male and female he created them.

                                                                                           Genesis 1:27
   This verse suggests to a certain degree that God had a role in triggering the self-consciousness within the primitive life forms in that they did not achieve a higher state of self-awareness on their own. Divine interaction of some kind such as a flash of intuition, emotion, or something similar, was necessary in order to trigger the self-awareness of the mind.

   Some may say that self-awareness may occur naturally without the necessity of outside intervention, however, if that were true, self-consciousness would develop in a situation where similar information would be gathered from related data sources. In other words, even though the human brain processes information from the five senses (or data sources), the processing of such data does not necessarily lead to the development of higher functionality (such as self-consciousness) just for the sake of processing the information alone.

   That is why a mechanical computer may never achieve true self-awareness even though the machine may process the same kind of information from five or more data feeds as a human brain with its sensory information. An external influence of some kind is necessary for intellectual self-awareness to occur other than the internal processing of a molecular structure interacting with itself on an atomic level.

   The only possible explanation for this external and nonphysical interaction that is required for the development of self-awareness is what we know as divine intervention. In my other post (c.f. Stem Cell Research), a similar argument is presented on how the breath of God is necessary to constitute a life form into being more than just a collection of atoms.
Introduction of Eve
   When the two doctrines on the origin of life are combined, additional information on the advancement of the human race may be attained by further analyzing the Book of Genesis.

   The Bible's portrayal of a male coming into being prior to a female may be due to the greater intellectual stimulation experienced by males during ancient times (e.g., the development of hunting tactics while females primarily tended the young).

   The first female (Eve) to awaken would likely have been the mate of the first male (Adam) since such an association would have provided the opportunity for greater learning than otherwise.
                              Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had
                              taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.

                              The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh
                              of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was
                              taken out of man.”

                              For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother
                              and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.
                                                                                     Genesis 2:22-24

   This passage referring to a female arising from a male symbolizes that both the male and female are similar to each other regarding their personal and physical characteristics. In other words, they have "become one flesh" in a philosophical sense of having the same physical attributes, mental capacities, and spiritual natures.
First Sin
   Further study of the Book of Genesis provides an interesting account that may have occurred for the first human couple and their behavior toward resolving a particular conflict within the primitive community.

   According to the Bible, life was good for Adam and Eve until they made a mistake regarding something that God had informed them as having importance: the ability to distinguish good from evil (i.e., eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil).

   Since the early humans were essentially good in nature (much like young children), they would need to commit an act of evil in order to discern the difference between the two conditions (and experience a loss
of innocence). Such an act against God and perhaps the rest of the community was indicated in the following passage:
                             When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was
                             good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also
                             desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate

                             it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with
                             her, and he ate it.                           Genesis 3:6
   This verse indicates that Eve was the first who failed to resist temptation and committed a wrongful act of
some kind of which Adam then followed. A possible interpretation of this may have transpired as the following.

   While considering the primitive nature of the early humans, another male may have tried to mate with Eve at some point. While fending the male away, she may have become violent in order to protect herself (i.e., she gave into anger). When noticing that Eve may be in danger, Adam may have reacted in a likewise aggressive manner in order to protect his mate from possible harm.

   Rather than restraining themselves throughout the ordeal, the two may have overreacted in an excessive manner due to their primitive natures and may have actually killed the offending male (i.e., sin was committed).

   The resultant "nakedness" that Adam and Eve experienced afterward was not due to the lack of clothing, but rather to their sense of shame for having killed a fellow human (or potentially human) being. By committing an act of evil, they realized the difference between good and evil and lost their innocence (i.e., they ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil).
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